SANITATION PART # DESCRIPTION 71-5770 20 Foot Length; 76 Inch Compressed Length 71-5769 10 Foot Length; 38 Inch Compressed Length 71-5768 5 Feet Length; 21 Inch Compressed Length 71-5767 2 Feet Length PART # DESCRIPTION 03-5429 Bag Of 16 Treatments 03-5430 Tub Of 30 Treatments 03-5431 Bag Of 8 Treatments PART # DESCRIPTION 06-7733 White High Profile 06-7731 Parchment High Profile DOMETIC 300 SERIES TOILETS Full-size residential-style seat Triple-jet bowl rinse Very lightweight Water efficient flush uses just one pint per flush Gravity flush SILVERBACK™ DOMETIC 320 SERIES TOILETS Deep, 100 % vitreous ceramic bowl Full-size residential-style wood seat Efficient with water at only one pint per flush Rim design prevents spills Ergonomic foot pedal: press partially to add water, press fully to flush Gravity flush system AQUA-MAGIC® VI SPACE Space saving design allows for the closest possible mounting to the wall Foot flush positioned for minimal floor space interference Residential sized SloClose™ seat and cover Provides the deepest toilet bowl available for RVs AQUAMAX® Holding Tank Treatment’s advanced enzyme powered formulas neutralize odors and accelerate waste digestion to prevent clumping, clogging and tank residue, all at the same time. Thetford’s beneficial probiotic treatments are Bronopol Free and Formaldehyde Free to provide campground friendly. DOMETIC 310 SERIES TOILETS Best-in-class gravity flush Powerful swirl-jet cleaning action Slow-close enameled wood seat improves comfort Water efficient flush uses just one pint per flush Ergonomic, pressure-sensitive foot pedal: press partially to add water, press fully to flush 12-0016 12-0017 12-0000 12-0001 12-0011 INSTA FRESH Toilet Treatment controls holding tank odors and gassing. It also keeps holding tank walls and drain lines free from debris while lubricants prevent drain valves from sticking. Ideal for all RV and portable toilets. The formaldehydefree formula can be pumped out at any dumping station. 13-5772 PART # DESCRIPTION 07-9180 709-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank basic system 07-9181 709-P3-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system w/ pump switch 20-7079 709-P3W-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system w/ pump & LPG 07-9178 709 CONSOLE SEELEVEL Console only for additonal readout GAUGES Percision accuracy No-foul external sensors Simple installation Excellent service support 69-7560 709-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank basic 20-7079 709-P3W-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system 20-7077 709 CONSO SEELEVE Console only 20-7078 709-P3-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system ● Percision accuracy ● No-foul external sensors ● Simple installation ● Excellent service support “The gauge that works!” Why customers love our RV tank monitors. Other system configurations available. Call your dealer today. 69-7560 709-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank basic system 20-7079 709-P3W-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system w/ pump & LPG 20-7077 709 CONSOLE SEELEVEL Console only for additonal readout 20-7078 709-P3-1003 SEELEVEL 3-tank system w/ pump switch 33
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