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23 ELECTRICAL PORTABLE SURGE PROTECTOR KITS EXTRA EMS-REMOTE DIGITAL DISPLAY EMS BYPASS SWITCH KIT RESETTABLE CIRCUIT BREAKER ADAPTER RESETTABLE CIRCUIT BREAKER ADAPTER Portable surge protector kits contain a separate receptacle tester to detect wiring faults at the pedestal and surge module to attach to the detachable power cord. Separating the two functions reduces the size of the product while increasing protection from inclement weather. Kits (Tester & Module) Tester Only Surge Module Only 10-4465 PSK-30 30A 10-4467 RRT-30 30A 10-4469 RSM-30 30A 10-4466 PSK-50 50A 10-4468 RRT-50 50A 10-4470 RSM-50 50A Kit contains Receptacle Tester and Surge Module (components available separately) Tests the following with a single indicator: - Open Ground, Open Neutral, Open Hot - Hot/Neutral Reversed, Hot/Ground Reversed Surge module ratings: - 30A: 22,500A max spike / 1,100 joules - 50A: 45,000A max spike / 2,030 joules Surge module contains surge protection indicator alerting user when depleted 19-0472 EMS-RDS 18-7692 RBPSK 10-4471 CBA-5015 18-7693 50AXP 30A 50A PSK-30 PSK-50

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