MotorHome 2024-2025

12 LP GAS/ALARMS 71-7867 Smoke/Fire & Carbon Monoxide Alarm SMOKE & CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS 62-2691 Smoke Alarm Ionization Smoke Sensor Test & Silence Button Meets UL217 Hinged Cover Tamper Resistant 9V Battery Included Carbon Monoxide Alarm Test & Silence Button Meets CSA 6.19.01 End-of-Life Warning Tamper Resistant 9V Battery Included 2-in-1 Protection Electrochemical CO Sensor Test & Silence Button Meets UL217 End-of-Life Warning Meets CSA 6.19.01 Two AA Battery Powered Photoelectric Smoke Sensor 62-2692 Carbon Monoxide Alarm STEEL LP GAS TANKS Features hand-holds for easy lifting. DOT certified. Available in 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 100 lbs. 06-0167 20 lbs. 06-0177 30 lbs. 06-0617 40 lbs. CYLINDER RACK KITS Cylinder rack kits are designed for mounting dual cylinders. Complete kit includes white base plate, wingnut, hold-down bar, center rod and regulator bracket. Tanks not included. 06-0347 20 lb. Dual 06-0348 30 lb. Dual 06-0349 40 lb. Dual

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