
[ 36 ] See Manufacturer’s Catalog For More Applications. Specifications are subject to change without notice. (T1M) Suspension Systems Tires & Wheels Hitches Jacks, Couplers & Locks Electrical & Lighting Body Components & Flooring Chemicals & Coatings Brake Controls & Actuators Axles & Components Brake Assemblies Index Towing Cargo Control & Hardware Trailer Brake Replacement Parts ©2019 Horizon Global MKG3315 Part Number Description (T1M) - 5120TEK 10 x 1 5/8 Hayes 10 x 2 1/4 Hayes (Old Style) 12 x 2 Hayes (Old Style) MAGNET RETAINING RING MAGNET RETAINING CLIP Part Number Description (T1M) - 5121TEK 10 x 2 1/4 Dexter 12 x 2 Dexter 12 x 2 Dexter 7K 10 x 2 1/4 Hayes (New Style) 12 x 2 Hayes (New Style) Part Number Description (T1M) - 5122 10 x 1 1/2 Dexter 12 x 2 1/4 Dexter 12 x 2 Dexter WIRE CLIP BEARING SET (L68111 CUP, L68149 CONE) Part Number Description (T1M) - 5505 10 x 2 1/4 AL-KO (In) 10 x 2 1/4 Fayette (In) (After 1972) 10 x 2 1/4 Hayes (In) (After 1972) 10 x 2 1/4 Dexter (In) (After Dec. 1983) 12 x 2 Foreman (In) 12 x 2 AL-KO (In) 6 and 8 Hole Part Number Description (T1M) - 5507 10 x 1 5/8 Hayes (In) 10 x 1 1/2 Dexter (In) 12 x 2 Hayes (Out) and 12 x 2 Hayes Centerline (Out) 12 x 2 Dexter (Out) 12 x 2 Fayette (Out) 12 x 2 Foreman (Out) BEARING SET (L44610 CUP, L44649 CONE) Part Number Description (T1M) - 5508 12 x 2 Dexter 6K and 7K 865 Hub (Out) 12 x 2 AL-KO 8 Hole 865 Hub (Out) BEARING SET (14276 CUP, 14125A CONE) TRAILER BRAKE REPLACEMENT PARTS