75 FIXTURE LIGHTING POWER & LIGHTING Replacement Lenses: 11826 Optic 18530 White 14813 White, Bulk LED lights offer longer lasting, energy-efficient lighting and produce better light quality with low heat output 18122 20669 20670 20667 20668 11824 11825 STANDARD EURO-STYLE LIGHTS • Offer a sleek single or double design • Colonial or white base with squeeze-to-remove white or optic lens • Single lights offer a 2-position switch (off/on) • Double lights offer 3-position switch (off/1 light/2 light) • Uses replacement bulb #1141 • Single light dimensions: 8” x 4.75” (requires 4 mounting screws not included) • Double Light dimensions: 11” x 4.75” (requires 6 mounting screws not included) Replacement Lenses: 18017 Optic 18016 White 11587 Clear ECONOMY EURO-STYLE LIGHTS • Low profile interior lights are economical, energy-efficient, and provide bright light • Easy to clean, snap-out lens offered in clear or optic • Single lights offer a 2-position switch (off/on) and use replacement bulb #1016 • Double lights offer 3-position switch (off/1 light/2 light) and use replacement bulb #1141 • Single light dimensions: 6.25” x 5.5” x 1-5/8” (requires 4 mounting screws not included) • Double light dimensions: 11.5 x 5.5 x 1-5/8” (requires 6 mounting screws not included) PART# LED/ INCANDESCENT BASE COLOR LENS COLOR LIGHT EMISSION SINGLE LIGHTS 20669 LED White Optic Bright White 20725 LED White White Bright White 20711 LED White Optic Soft White 20713 LED White White Soft White 18122 Incandescent White Optic ----- 18121 Incandescent White White ----- DOUBLE LIGHTS 20670 LED White Optic Bright White 20726 LED White White Bright White 20712 LED White Optic Soft White 20714 LED White White Soft White 18124 Incandescent White Optic ----- 18123 Incandescent White White ----- 18015 Incandescent Colonial White Optic ----- 17926 Incandescent Colonial White White ----- PART# LED/ INCANDESCENT BASE COLOR LENS COLOR LIGHT EMISSION SINGLE LIGHTS 11824 Incandescent White Optic ----- 14655 Incandescent White White ----- 20667 LED White Clear Bright White 20715 LED White Clear Soft White DOUBLE LIGHTS 11825 Incandescent White Optic ----- 14656 Incandescent White White ----- 20668 LED White Clear Bright White 20716 LED White Clear Soft White 18124 20726 14655 14656