2020 RVPL Catalog
WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION DISPLAY STAND Holds one Weight Distribution hitch including Centerline TS and Roundbar styles. Hitches sold separately. 71-3622 31370 W/D Display Stand 2-TIER WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION DISPLAY STAND Holds two Weight Distribution hitches including Centerline TS and Roundbar styles. Hitches sold separately. 71-7966 33144 2 Tier W/D Display w/Header Card 5TH WHEEL DISPLAY STAND Universal display stand holds all Husky 5th Wheel hitches including adapters. Hitches sold separately. 72-2668 33145 Universal Display Stand w/Header Card CENTERLINE TS ® WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION POP DISPLAY The Center Line TS display provides a graphics kit to display alongside Husky Centerline TS hitches for optimal point of purchase product support. The headercard supplies customers with Husky product information and specifications. Hitches sold separately. 71-3678 90237 Centerline TS Display Stand 40 IN-STORE DISPLAY STANDS TOWING
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